Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Every blog has a FIRST post, right?

This is my first post - on this blog. I am here to share my fears, my beliefs, my joys and hopes through a story with parts that may or may not be real - so that I can keep some of my personal life private.

I am writing you a nonfiction novel or so some would call it. Keep reading and you will hear what is important to me. Don't get caught up in the drama. I may invent moments, exaggerate to make a point a little more silly, creative and fun.

Please join me. Add your own anonymous tips, thoughts, emotions.

What makes you afraid to share?

What fears do you have when you publish your life for the world to see?

Were you anonymous once but now you share your name, your pictures, your precious moments proudly?

What do you hold back?

Where's the line?

Some anonymous commenters are the trolls - the ones with snarky negative comments who don't want backlash for their true feelings. Have you ever commented anonymously? Why? To what end?

Was there something political you wanted to say but had to protect your job, your position, your family, your life?

How about something you wanted to say because you knew other people could connect but you didn't want those closest to you to read it?

How many bloggers who want to truly rant, really don't want it to cause conflict? BUT, it's brewing. . it's inside . . . and we want to tell it. . . we don't even mind the controversy but there's still something inside that avoids doing things that create silence at the dinner table. Or, maybe you like seeing family at Thanksgiving - and hope they don't hold your words against you.

The written word is powerful. Watch how you use it - even here.

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